Shiny & Salty TRUTH!™ Ministries is a virtual resource
designed to Inspire! the “Un-Saved” & “Saved”...
via THE CarlaStarla’s Experiences make the Wisest Decision of Salvation
through JESUS CHRIST & Living in His Righteousness,
so You can live an AWESOME! Life!
For many many years, despite the fact of being
saved & involved in church,
THE CarlaStarla! was living in sin &
experiencing the ramifications of it...
less blessings than GOD wanted to do for her!
During that time, she didn’t fully understand the
correlation of her choices, that seemed to be
good ones at the time... were actually inhibiting
her from acquiring GOD’s desires & hers!
In 2007, a series of experiences changed her
“decent” life from what she knew it to...
her lowest low!
Then she decided to seek GOD’s face
& take The WORD Of GOD
a.k.a. The HOLY BIBLE literally on
how to do this thing called LIFE! in order to
live the Abundant Life it promises!
THE CarlaStarla! began to…
RE-Create! the Life she was Born to Live!™
As she proceeded to acknowledge & denounce her
sinful nature, this scripture got her attention…
“Therefore CONFESS your sins to each other
PRAY for each other so that you may be HEALED.
The Prayer of a Righteous person is
~ James 5:16 {NIV}
…& she now applies it to her life
by sharing her experiences with others resulting in…
+ PLUS +
Ultimate HEALING! …for Her!
ALL a part of that reciprocal…
ABUNDANT Life… Promised!
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Just… ASK! SEEK! & KNOCK!™ Starla Enterprises, LLC
an IMPERIAL! Conglomerate™
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